
Monday, 28 November 2022

Such a Special Weekend.

Hi everyone, 
Thanks so much for popping in today. 
I do hope you had a lovely weekend.
We had an amazing time in Llandudno…
Where Danielle said Yes.

You see Adam had been planning this weekend for months. 
Danielle thought we were going away for her Birthday, which is tomorrow. 
In fact Adam had phoned her parents and asked for their blessings for his proposal.
We all booked in to the same hotel, 
Went for a walk after breakfast, and ended up on the beach
The boys were digging for treasure, and found a pirate treasure chest.
There was a scroll inside 
With the words 
Will you Marry me ? 

At which point he went down on one knee and had a beautiful diamond ring for her. 
Thank goodness it all went to plan and she had no idea.
He had even created a website all about treasure that had been found on the beach.
Then when we got back to the hotel he has red roses, chocolates and champagne waiting for her.

We are so thrilled for them.
Congratulations ❤️❤️

The boys were just chuffed that they had found a treasure chest….bless them. 
Oh and yes we had made the scroll, torn paper, inked edges..and some splats. 
Crafting comes in useful again. 

Such an emotional weekend, 
I think it will take me all week to recover. 

Although I do have another busy week.

Here are a couple of quick, CAS (Clean And Simple ) 
Festive designs to share with you. 

I have stamped straight on to Kraft card blanks from Lavinia stamps. 
They are perfect for batch card making. 

Right, I am off now to make some soup for lunch. 

Catch you later for some Mindful Monday time together 

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx


Di said...

Awww Jo such a lovely post to read . Congratulations to Adam and Danielle 🍾. Glad you all had a lovely weekend xx

Lynne Bishop said...

Oh that is lovely news. Made your weekend wonderful. X X

GrannySoo said...

Wow. He's a keeper! So romantic. Congratulations. Xxx

aussie aNNie said...

How romantic and what a wonderful post bit congrats to Adam and Danielle, beautiful news oh lovely cards too x

gwen70 said...

That is wonderful news Jo, so romantic xx

Beryl Williams said...

Congratulations to you all
What a wonderful proposal
Lovely cards too jo xxx

Naomi said...

Congratulations to both of them. Wishing them a very happy life together.

cuilliesocks said...

WOW how romantic, just lovely and for you all to share that special moment.
Congratulations to the happy couple.
Your cards are gorgeous, Kate x

Sue Bingham said...

How wonderful Jo it sounds like you all had a fantastic time. Precious❤️ said...

Awh how lovely Jo what a beautiful surprise and very romantic. Congratulations to you all xx👏👏💯💥❤️

Christine Alexander said...

wonderful news, and you're so lucky to be part of it ♥
Love your cas cards and will be busy playing -copying :)

Pauline C said...

Aww Jo that is so lovely .. so romantic, no wonder the whole family is thrilled 💕💕 Two very pretty CAS cards too .. as you say very handy as the pressure of Christmas looms !!
Pauline xx