
Tuesday 28 May 2024

New product fun.

Hi everyone, 
Thanks so much for popping in today 
As always it is so lovely to see you. 

Today I have our 
Technique Tuesday video to share with you 

Today we are going to have some fun with 

Crystal Paste and Crystal Glaze from Sizzix 

You really need to see these results…I just love them both 

So join me here 


and I will see you again soon..

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Monday 27 May 2024

Giselle amongst her bubbles

Hi everyone 
Thanks so much for popping in today 

I do hope your new week has started well 
A bank holiday for us today…so that has been lovely 

As it is Monday 
I have a catch up video to share with you 

I do hope you can join me here 

Today we have some stencil fun 

Her is a closer look 

Take care all 

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Tuesday 21 May 2024

A Fishy Little Corner

Hi everyone, 
I hope today is going well. 
How are things ? 
Good I hope…
If not , here is a little hug…
From me to you…
As it is Tuesday 
I have our Tuesday catch up video to share with you 

It is a fishy little tale 

Here is a closer look 

You can join me here 

Take care all 
Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Monday 20 May 2024

Christmas Joy in May

Hi everyone, 
I do hope you had a lovely weekend and that your new week has started well.
So good to see some sun.

Now I know some of you, were wondering if you would need the new 
corner stamps from Lavinia 

Well I am here to show you how they team up fabulously with our Christmas Joy stamp 
for a quick yet stunning Christmas card. 
I know, 
It is only May 
But it is never too early to start Christmas 

Here is a closer look 

You can join me here 

Maybe get a mince pie and a sherry first. 

Thanks so much for joining me once again 

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Wednesday 15 May 2024


Hi everyone 
Thanks so much for popping in again 

I do hope you are keeping well 

I have our Technique Tuesday video to share with you 

This is another older technique 

It is great fun 
and you never really know exactly what you will get 

and is a fabulous background for our wonderful 
Lavinia stamps 

You can find it here 

I do hope you get chance to have a play 
It is good for the soul 

Please take care 
and if you need an extra special hug 
Here is one 
Just for you 


Much love and hugs 
Jo xxxx

Monday 13 May 2024

Lucas quiet place

Hi everyone, 
Thanks so much for popping in today 
I do hope your week has started well and that you had a lovely weekend. 

The workshop at Lavinia HQ on Saturday was lovely, 
Such a great group of ladies 

Theresa treated us to cakes and thank you 
Sarah for my flowers. 
I just adore these tags 

I am off on holiday today..
I little break for Karl and me.
We just need some time  to relax 

Life has been so hectic 
Thanks so much Lisa for moving in and looking after Eric 

As it is Monday I have our catch up video to share with you 
Today is Luka in her quiet place .
This has been one of my favourite makes over the last few weeks. 

You can join me here 

Enjoy the rest of your day 
Internet permitting 
I will pop back tomorrow 

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Thursday 9 May 2024

Arch Of Angels

Hi everyone, 
thanks so much for popping in again.
It is always so lovely to spend time with you. 
Today I have a lovely little project to share with you , using a very old 
A shaker card..
These are so much fun to make 
As soon as I saw the new Arch of Angels stamp , I just knew 
that I had to make one. 

I started of stamping the beautiful Arch of Angels in VC ink and then added some 
Stencil work…
The red brick stencil works so well 

Next I added some scenery behind the door..
There are also a couple of new door and inner gate stamps to look out for 

I used making tape to protect my image, 
Some floral stamping and my scene was created 

I stamped the Arch again , added some colour and carefully cut it out. 
Using red liner tape I added some. Acetate…or in my case some of the plastic wrapping from one of 
my lavinia blocks 
Well…we never throw anything away, do we ? 

I then added some sequins and small beads to my design 
Carefully added foam pads to the back of the second arch and then carefully 
Holding my breath 
Decoupaged the arch. 

There we have it 

Some finishing tricks , 
A couple of sentiment stickers 
and job done. 

I do hope you have a go at a shaker card 
Be so good to see them again. 

Enjoy the rest of your day 
Karl left at 5am …he has a long day in London 
So I have videos to record, 
pasta bake to make for the boys tea 
Eric to walk 
Oh and must remember to be back at school for 3pm.

May just need coffee too…

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Nature as inspiration

Hi everyone, 
Thanks so much for joining me again. 

I have just walked the boys to school (grandma duties ) and 
it is such a beautiful morning .

So I just wanted to pop in and show you my favourite card design from Saturdays online workshop 

and how nature inspires me 

I just love to go for long walks, and soak up nature…

I really do find it so inspiring.

I hope you can take 5 minutes  out today 
To just soak up some nature too.

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Wednesday 8 May 2024

The Forest Realm Collection

Hi everyone, 
Only 2 more sleeps and the new stamps will be with us 
This Friday, the 10th May 
The new
Forest Realm Collection of stamps will be released at Lavinia Stamps 

I do hope you have been looking at all the fabulous inspiration from the design team which is all over social media.

I am so proud to be Head DT at Lavinia. 

We have more inspiration to come over the next few days. 

Enjoy your Wednesday…
(And yes I do have to keep reminding myself that it is 
Wednesday ) 

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Moss Cap cluster

Hi everyone, 
Thanks so much for popping in again. 

As it is Tuesday , 
I have our Tuesday catch up video to share with you. 

I have a sneak peek of one of the new stamps too
Remember these are being released this Friday 
The 10th May 

You can join me here 

Have a lovely evening 
Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Shadow Stamping

Hi everyone, 
Thanks so much for popping in. 
I’m sorry that I didn’t have a catch up with you yesterday but I was enjoying some precious family time. 
We had some beautiful weather and I went for lots of walks with Karl and Eric, 
Then in the afternoon we went to the park with Elliot. 

My Monday catch up video featured Shadow Stamping 
This is another old technique. ( so no, I’m not claiming it 😂)
As you know I do love to bring good old techniques to you .

It is sometimes also called the faux embossing technique 

You can find the video here 

I have chosen to use Kraft card as I get so many messages asking me for 
ideas using Kraft card. 

I do hope you enjoy it

Take care all 
Jo xxx

Friday 3 May 2024

Happy Weekend

Hi everyone, 
Thanks so much for popping in today. 
Well it has been a very grey and wet day here…typical 
Bank Holiday weekend weather 

I do hope you have some lovely things planned for this weekend. 
I am really looking forward to our online class tomorrow.
I do enjoy spending time  with my crafty friends. 

Some pen, acrylic block, and water background inspiration from me today. 

Then simple stamping , 
So quick and effective…

I wish you all well.
Remember to be kind in all you say and do,,,

Take care 
Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Favourite Florals

Hi everyone, 
Welcome to May..

Whoop , my Birthday month…

I do hope your new month has started well 

That means that we have a new Lavinia challenge 
This months theme is 
Favourite Florals…

How perfect…You know how much I just love florals 

Here is some inspiration for you 

Remember the winner is chosen at random 
and wins a £40 voucher to spend at Lavinia stamps 

I do love poppies 
This is such a wonderful technique…
Simple…the trick is just getting the correct amount of water 
Using our Clean  Color pens and water spritz 

Watercolour card is a must too 

Some additional stamping 

After blotting I added some sky and the moon , just for some atmosphere 

I really love this design.
Here is a closer look 

I do hope you can enter the challenge 
All the details are on the Lavinia stamps website 

Not long now and it is our May online Class 
As always I only charge a nominal £10 per class 
It is live on Saturday or after that as a catch up class 

I’m so looking forwards to this one 

Enjoy the rest of your day 

Much love and hugs 
Jo xxx