Good afternoon everyone and thanks for popping in.
I have just got home after having coffee at Wilmslow garden Centre with some lovely
crafty friends.
Always good to just stop, and chat.
Life has just been so hectic lately, and to make things worse,
my right eye started itching driving back from Cumbria on Saturday.
Well by Sunday morning my cheek was swollen and very puffy.
I have spent the last two days trying to make samples but it was hard to see out of my right eye and my glasses really
made my face hurt.
Anyway, samples, what they, are went in the post this morning.
Lots of medication and I am finally returning to normal,
Well, whatever normal is..
Back to Saturday in Cumbria.
It was our Christmas Party.
A couple of ladies were unwell and not able to join us,.
I do hope you are feeling better Karen and Maria.

We started out day with a nice warm up card using Brusho powders and Aall and Create Stamps.

And after coffee, we created these beauties.

I am always so proud of the fabulous designs that you ladies create.
Lunch time was fab with a Jacobs Joint. Oh there was so much scrummy food, Christmas crackers and party hats.
Hot soup and warm mulled wine, and Santa singing in the background.
We had a few little prizes to give away too.
After lunch we made these lovely cards...
I do like gentle colouring after lunch, well that and a granny nap!

Our last design used a background that we had created earlier in the day.
This is one of Tracy Evans fabulous stamps.

It always amazes me how quickly the workshop days go, they really do just fly.
Thanks ladies for your company, on Saturday and throughout the year...
I am so looking forwards to more crafty play next year.
Love and hugs all,
Jo xxx