
Sunday 19 May 2019

You make me so happy

Good afternoon everyone. 
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. 
We have a family gathering this afternoon , so 
I am just nipping in for a quick catch up, before they all arrive. 
Jenson is out of hospital and doing well, 
So I am really thankful for that, it was such a 
worrying time. 

Yesterday it was our monthly Cumbria workshop , 
another wonderful day.
I will pop back soon to tell you all about it. 

Today I want to share a very special card with you .
You see I get so much pleasure teaching , 
and it is fabulous when I get to see the cards that you wonderful friends make. 

The other month Jane asked me to demonstrate the wreath card. 
Now you know they are my favourite type of cards , so I jumped at the chance. 

Imagine my delight when this beauty arrived on my door mat. 

Thank you so much Jane. 
It is beautiful, and you have created it just perfectly, even down to the spiders web. 

It really did make my day. 
I am so proud of my talented friends. 

Group hug 

Take care all.
Must dash 
Lots of love 
Jo xxx