
Thursday, 28 March 2013


Hi, ...well what has the weather been like? So much for spring....I looked at my pond today and it is frozen over....but there is frog spawn in it. I do hope it will be o.k.
It has been busy here but oh so enjoyable. Today I am going to show you some of the wonderful projects that I made whilst at the IndigoBlu Retreat. It really was fantastic and I highly recommend the next one.
This is what I made whilst doing a day workshop with Kay includes pieces using Kroma Crackle and Ice Resin....

We also had an introduction to Journaling......oh my first time....this was under the expert guidance of Sarah McCrossan....and once I had jumped in, embraced the idea oh it is Such Fun......and best of all....No rules.....anything goes.....Brilliant......

Here is another page,
And another, I got a bit Zentangle crazy with this one.......
I do hope you like them, thanks for stopping by today, keep warm as I think that this cold weather is set to last for most of April.......a good reason to stay in and craft....Jo. X


  1. Lovely work Jo, you must have had a great time.

  2. Sounds like you had a fantastic time Jo these are fab hugs hun Sue xx

  3. Hi Jo,
    Great projects. Love your journal, the Zentangle looks fab (something else I haven't tried - yet!)
    Have a lovely Easter - doing anything nice? We're planning a quiet, relaxing long weekend. Well, the weather's not nice enough to go anywhere. Take care, speak soon Linda xx

  4. Hi there Jo, The shadow box is lovely and I think your journel has to be the pretties one I have seen. They are great fun arenb't they. Sam
