
Sunday 6 January 2013

Meet Aloysius

Hello everyone, well another lovely weekend comes to a close.
What have you been up to? Things are as busy as usual in the Rice household with lots of crafting and football ( it is the males who are the footie fans! Just in case you were wondering ...).
Today, I am introducing you to my new friend Aloysius, he is the most gorgeous teddy bear from IndigoBlu.

Here I have stamped him in VersaFine ink and used Distress ink for the background, plus the Script and Ledger background stamps.
A piece of lace compliments the design, I do hope you like it.
Thanks for looking and have a good week, Jo. X


  1. This is lovely Jo:) gorgeous stamps and i love the layout huggles x

  2. He's gorgeous Jo! And the card is fabulous! X
